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SKU: CLN-108695W Categories: ,

9 in stock


Product Description

*A phosphate-free formulation designed to provide effective cleaning, deodorizing, disinfection where controlling cross-contamination from treated surfaces is especially important
*Economical to use. Disinfects, cleans and deodorizes in one step
*Kills HIV-1 on pre-cleaned environmental surfaces
*Leaves kitchens and bathrooms clean and fresh smelling
*Inhibits the growth of mold and mildew
*Contains no phosphorous
*Pack size: 4/2 L Color: Clear yellow
*Characteristics: Non-viscous liquid
*Odor: Lemon
*Rinsability: Excellent
*Foam: Low
*Flammability: NA
*pH in conc. form: 5.5 – 7.5
*Biodegradable: Yes
*Phosphorous content: 0.0%

Additional information

Weight21 lbs
Dimensions11 × 18.5 × 11 in

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